What Do You Want to Know About?

Did you know that most of what you look for on the internet is documented? Although I may not know who you are, I know what you searched for to find me! Here are the top ten searches that found my blog yesterday.

#1 search term: Chelsea Link. This is the homeschool teen who got accepted to all the best universities in the country. I’m surprised how many people still look for her. What do you want to know about her?

#2: the cons of homeschooling. This is one of my favorite topics. You’ve come to the right place. I have talked about the cons of homeschooling, the cons of being homeschooled, and the basic realities of what homeschooling is like. Most likely, this will be my next book. So, tell your friends.

#3: are homeschool kids weird. Why, yes they are. Do you have a problem with that?

#4: college classes at itunes. Did you know that you can get free online classes all over the internet, including itunes? It makes me happy to think that people are specifically looking for these.

#5: what do kids say about being homeschooled. Kids say a variety of things. Some good, some bad. Here’s a recent find, where a homeschooled teen went to high school.

#6: teacher discount bookstore. Barnes and Noble and Borders both hold semi-anual teacher discount weeks. I try to post the info when I get it, but I’m not always on the ball. Anyone have a link with more timely info?

#7: spanked homeschool young girl. What. The. Hell?

#8: homeschool definition. That’s easy. Kids don’t sit in a classroom all day. But to be truthful, this has been debated a million times before. It’s really not worth it. Don’t go searching for an answer. It’ll just lead you to insanity. Doubly so if you’re looking for the definition of unschooling.

#9: marathon diploma. Hmmm, I wonder what this person is looking for? A diploma for being trained in how to run a marathon? Or a diploma that you earn very quickly? What do you think?

#10: presidential opinions homeschool. Oh boy. Really, this is a non-issue for me. You really won’t find much about this on my blog. Why? Because I won’t decide on a president based on his opinions of homeschooling. It doesn’t matter. He’s got bigger things to worry about. It’s up to us in CA to deal with homeschooling. Now, I DO care what my governor thinks of homeschooling. And so far, I’m pretty happy with his take on it.

Thanks for finding my blog through the search engines. I hope that you found some good reading when you arrived here.

2 Responses to “What Do You Want to Know About?”

  1. Luke Holzmann Says:

    My wife and I just took/listened to an astronomy class on iTunes. It was great! Just wish I had more time to sit around and take classes… unfortunately the bills keep coming.


  2. Karen Joy Says:

    #10. Me, too. I could care less. It’s rather like asking “Does the head of an HMO approve if I birth with the Bradley method?” I mean, if the president was pro homeschooling, it might set a good example for state governors to follow, I suppose. But, it wouldn’t affect my day-to-day life at all. In fact, it really bothered me when Huckabee seemed to be pandering to hs’ers. It did *not* make me want to support him.

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