5 Homeschooling Secrets

One of the best things about homeschooling stereotypes is that they keep our secrets. On the one hand, it’s frustrating when non-homeschoolers criticize this educational option. On the other, it’s a blessing in disguise: if they only knew these secrets, we’d have a nation-wide educational epidemic on our hands, with families falling left and right out of our school systems! Our society as we know it would collapse!

Thank goodness people don’t know our homeschooling secrets. Just in case you wondering what they are, and you want to be in on it, here’s what we homeschoolers aren’t telling you:

1) Homeschooling moms/parents/families have a LOT of free time. We have so much free time, that we are able to fill that time with our own personal projects, go places, visit friends, and balance our busy lives with rest and relaxation. Our time is ours, to do as we see fit. We don’t have to overextend ourselves and be super-families. And, even if we are doing the same amount of school work and the same number of classes as a non-homeschooling family, we STILL have tons of free time. We aren’t rushed and we don’t have to squeeze in family time.

2) Homeschooling is hyper-ultra-super efficient. I won’t even explain this one. Let me just say, that the time in active learning/amount learned is an amazing ratio.

3) Homeschoolers have a lot of fun. I mean a LOT. If you are a homeschooler that hasn’t been told this secret, consider yourself informed. Homeschooling is a fun and exhilirating and an exciting opportunity to take control of our lives and be our authentic selves. People who are their authentic selves have a great time in life. Homeschoolers are, overall, the most authentic people you’ll meet.

4) Homeschoolers are THE people to ask about what’s going on around town. If you aren’t a homeschooler, and you want to know about guitar teachers or the free museum days or anything – ask a homeschooler. They’ll either know, or they’ll know where to find the info. Homeschoolers are informed and have their pulse on the community. The whole socialization thing is a front to keep this secret from being public knowledge.

5) Fill in your secret here. What should be #5?

10 Responses to “5 Homeschooling Secrets”

  1. Laura Says:

    Oooh, ooooh, I know, I know! ((raising hand)) Oh wait – that’s schooly, nevermind that…. (old habit.)

    #5 – It’s as good for us as for the kids! In providing a free and safe place for my kids, I’ve learned how to do it for myself and my husband and my dog and my friends. It’s allowed me to grow in ways I never anticipated, to expand my view to first include free play, then child-directed learning, and now to finding joy in all things, focusing on this moment and then the next, and expanding our relationship to be one of trust and respect and saying yes. I’ve become a better mother, a better friend, a better wife. I’ve tried things I wouldn’t have tried, and work to strip away the layers of indoctrination and see life with open eyes – like my kids do.

    And I just blogged a bit about questions we unschoolers get – take a look-see.

    Great post!

  2. jennifer Says:

    Here’s my #5 – Less is more. I’m still learning this one, but so far it’s been very freeing. Time spent learning the important things well, rather than spreading ourselves too thin, is time well spent.
    Thanks for the encouragement!

  3. Colleen Says:

    My #5: When kids reach school age, they’re really a lot easier to be with all day. People always say things like, “I could never be with my kids all day long.” I’ve found that as my daughter has gotten older and more independent, she’s also much less demanding.

    I love reading your blog!

  4. tobeme Says:

    Great list. I do not have school age children, however I think another secret is that homeschooling keeps the parents learning and growing just as much as the children!

  5. The Marcy Muser Says:


    Wow! I really love your list! I can add one, too:

    – Homeschooling means I get to keep learning, too! I have learned far more since I started homeschooling my kids than I ever learned in school myself, even in college. As we read tons of interesting books, I am able to make connections I never thought of before, and to see things from new perspectives. The “big picture” of how the world works comes together for me in a whole new way.

    Thanks so much for the thoughts! I have linked to your post on my blog:


  6. dancingboysmom Says:

    Pretty much what most people here have said…I keep learning. I get to have the education I always wanted in a way that I CAN learn instead of in a way that someone thinks EVERYONE should learn.

  7. Eve Says:

    I love that the kids can delve deep and learn thoroughly a few areas rather than learn a thousand different “subjects” superficially and then forget them ALL (like I did). I think this type of education serves us better as adults and is a lot more satisfying. I would have loved to have the opportunity to really concentrate on the areas that excited me. Great list so far!

  8. regine Says:

    For me the number 5 is the feeling of being out of the box.
    My all life has opened up to an infinite number of solutions, ideas, possibilities, nothing is taken for granted ( my children make sure of that one! ) every body teaches, every body learn from one another.
    My children, my husband and i, all have different talents, we have learn ( and still are learning ) to respect each other as we are, and to not recreate an other box!
    It IS so much fun and a true adventure, together!
    We LOVE it!

  9. wolfhausnlc Says:

    #5 Our children will not be cookie cut into society. They will operate with minds of their own and be able to make their own decisions. They will know that if they make mistakes IT IS OK, it IS part of learning, it is not bad or wrong. Because they operate independently, they will be better equipped to work INTO the fabric of society, part of the bigger picture, instead of trying to be the same as everyone else and feeling either less than or superior to everyone who isn’t.

    Thanks so much for your list, Tammy!

  10. Anne Says:

    #5 5 year olds don’t need to play with 5 year olds, 9 year olds with 9 year olds, girls with girls, boys with boys, etc, etc, etc. Kids are kids. People are people. My 9 year old homeschooler has just as much fun playing with a 5 year old as he does with a 12 year old (as are my other 4 children)…they just do different things. They are also just as comfortable having a conversation with adults.

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