Homeschooling Children with Chronic Illness

Do you know anyone who is homeschooling a child with chronic illness? Do you know anyone who has a child with chronic illness and thinks that they could never homeschool because they would lose their support?

Michelle Barone started a new support email list for homeschooling families with chronic illness. She offered a session at the recent California Homeschool Network Expo which was very well received and appreciated. Please feel free to forward this information to anyone who you think would benefit.

In my opinion, if a child has a chronic ilness, homeschooling is the only way to go.

3 Responses to “Homeschooling Children with Chronic Illness”

  1. Heather Young Says:

    As a former special ed teacher AND mom to several with chronic illnesses I absolutely agree.

  2. Dana Says:

    Thanks for this, Tammy. My daughter was recently diagnosed with a chronic illness, but one which causes only intermittent problems and has historically caused a great deal of difficulties in school. Many parents of children with Crohn’s or Colitis find themselves forced to homeschool at least part of the time, and receive little support or understanding since the disease barely known outside of those who have it.

  3. Jackie from VA Says:

    Wow thanks Tammy, I frequently read over here, but I never comment. This has been a very, very hard year for us with our daughter who has a chronic illness. I actually had to walk away from all yahoo groups, but right about now a support group sounds like a life-line.
    P.S. I really enjoyed your book. I wish I had read it (and you had written it LOL!) a half dozen years ago.

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