Homeschool Changes in California – ISPs are now PSPs

In an attempt to clarify language in the California Education Code, homeschooling advocacy groups have asked that all private schools that offer a homeschooling option no longer call their program Independent Study Programs (ISPs). Instead, they are to be called Private School Satellite Programs (PSPs).

Here is part of the email that has been sent out. If you would like to read the entire email, contact me.

The following message contains information that is being distributed as a joint recommendation from CHN, working in cooperation with CHEA, HSC, HSLDA and Private and Home Educators of California. The groups are recommending the termination of the use of Independent Study Program (ISP) as it applies to private schools, and replacing it with Private School Satellite Program (PSP). Please read the details below.

Private Independent Study Program (ISP), when used by those in the homeschool community, has applied to situations where one school files a single private school affidavit (PSA) for multiple homeschooling families whose children are enrolled in the school. Some programs characterized as ISPs are part of a private campus-based school, and others are composed entirely of homeschoolers. Typically, the teachers in the school are the parents or guardians of the children, with varying degrees of assistance or supervision from the school.

The groups are recommending that California homeschoolers make a change from using the descriptive phrase “Private School Independent Study Program” (and its variants – e.g. “ISP”, “Private ISP”, etc.), and instead use the phrase “Private School Satellite Program” (PSP) . This will make it clear that these private homeschool programs, in which the students’ education is provided by or under the direction of their parents, are different from public school ISPs, in which the parents are the teacher’s aides and there is an assigned credentialed teacher who directs the students’ education.

There was a lot of discussion that went into this decision. The decision was made as a direct result of the In Re: Rachel L. case, and the arguments that were presented during the re-hearing. In particular, the California Department of Education challenged the legality of an ISP without credentialed teachers.

This change, and the debates that surround this item, do not effect families in California who create their own private schools in their homes and educate their own children. This only effects private schools which enroll children from multiple families, and those children are taught by their parents.

This change is predicted to have a positive influence on the outcome of the court’s decision in the In Re: Rachel L. re-hearing.

One Response to “Homeschool Changes in California – ISPs are now PSPs”

  1. Links for July 23, 2008 | Melissa Wiley Says:

    […] Homeschool Changes in California – ISPs are now PSPs « Just Enough, and Nothing More – Doesn't affect me since I file as a private school myself, but FYI for those who use ISPs. "The groups are recommending that California homeschoolers make a change from using the descriptive phrase “Private School Independent Study Program” (and its v […]

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